Monday 20 May 2013

when 3some are left alone at home.

papa and mummy weren't in Singapore for the past few days,
leaving three of us to take care of ourselves. 
i've turned into a 24/7 naggy ah-sum now,
vacuuming the floor, washing the dishes, preparing bro's meals, pulling him out of bed and stuff.

here's some simple + edible breakfast I made for him!
eggs make wonders.

 today's a marking day for BVSS, meaning a day off for bro too.
i suggested three of us should go out for a meal;
off we go!

we headed to douby ghaut to try out Hoshino Coffee.
i would say the food is okay, no harm trying.
but probably I won't go back again; taste sort of normal to me.

but i've got to say, the Fuwa-fuwa gave me a 'WOAH' kinda feeling;
i quite love the texture and fragrance of the egg part. (:

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