Thursday 9 May 2013

good old days.

i was digging my cupboard just now, and there I saw many photos.
perhaps the only time that you will laugh hard at yourself
will be the time when you're looking at your kiddy-pics.

i looked like a lotus when I was young.
my arms were so meaty that they look like they were in segments. hahaha! 
 i found some evidences that my sister tried to kill me
(maybe because i snatched some of my parent's attention from her? haha!)

just look at her expression,
openly trying to strangle me. lol!
 then she realised strangle wasn't a wise idea,
so she turned to re-shaping my face.
how engrossed she was.

then in 1998, my little bro came out;
now she ka-jiaos him. 

we definitely have round and chubby cheeks.

this was my favorite shirt. didn't know I was so IN; already in love with frills. hahaha

someone who watched my grow;
someone i loved the most.
she will forever lives in my heart.

i dreamt of her many times;
i see her sitting in the living room,
smiling to me.

I hated the fact that i can't control what i want to say and do in my dream;
many times I wanted to go forward and hug her tightly, 
but every time I am only able to stand from a distance to watch her. 

moving on.

i have no idea who's birthday is it, 
but kids just love to blow any birthday candles, don't they?

my sister and I machiam ding-dong. hahahah.
seriously, where did i get the courage to walk out of the house?! hahah.

maybe before I set my ambitious as a teacher in the future,
I was dreaming to become a model too?


another "what?!" photo.

my brother sure wanted to become an ultraman;
look at him.

and he wanders off into his imagination world again.

dazhong times.
i'm really fortunate;
i've never entered the wrong school,
i mean, the people i met, the experienced i had,
all so fun and memorable.

miss Mr Michael's class.
he's really x 389579847593845757 thumbs-up teacher!

my clique of friends. (:

i wonder if i had any thoughts of slimming down that time.

which was definitely a NO. hahaha.

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