Thursday 6 December 2012

Our first @ Swensens!

We've never been to Swensens for a meal as a family. Ohhs, and i came to realise different S's outlet serve different portions, and the taste can differ by quite a bit too. hmmms. Tampines' outlet serve quality ones!

This visit was quite some time ago, before my exams started.
nevertheless, an unforgettable good one.

start of with some salad!

then comes the fried food.

mum's spaghetti. quite like the teriyaki chicken.

my fav max!

just ended the meal with some sweet treat.


i just can't do cool-poses like them, uncontrollable funny for me, I just tend to laugh. fail. hahaha.

mummy has been stepping onto bro's leg during the entire meal and she wasn't aware of it! hahaha.

off to see new flats!

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