Thursday 27 December 2012

Good news came to reduce some grumpiness .

feeling so grumpy these few days. ):
 the happy news i received yesterday was not enough to keep me smiling for long;
yet, i am really thankful for the good news. (:
i've never understand what is meant by the tears of joy,
until i burst out of tears after looking at my results.

heart was pumping really fast before i log-in into the school website.
i was so shocked to see my results as i scrolled down.
for once, i thought it was showing me the highest for each module the cohort have achieved
(of course my results aren't that fabulous that could have proved me right haha!)
I started crying in front of my laptop like some crazy women;
smiling and crying.

i am really happy not because i scored very well,
it's that i have achieved more than the aim i set for myself.
it was after the other time i just-passed one of my class test,
(and after a good cry)
i started to realise my wrong mindset for studies.
i was too focused of achieving good results, 
hence neglected other important things.

then i understand what is the meaning of living and studying.
i learnt to balance both and "psychoed" myself of aiming at just graduating as a bachelor,
 nothing is more important than not-killing-myself with studies.
(does not mean that i'm going allocate more time for playing and less for studying)
so yeahh! good news 万岁!

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